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Pomerium Policy Language

Pomerium Policy Language (PPL) is a yaml-based notation for creating easy and flexible authorization policies. This document covers the usage of PPL and provides several example policies.

PPL allows administrators to express authorization policy in a high-level, declarative language that promotes safe, performant, fine-grained controls.


See the Policy setting page to learn how to apply a PPL policy to a route.

At a Glance

Each PPL policy has at the top level a set of allow or deny actions, with a list of logical operators, criteria, matchers, and values underneath. For example:

- domain:
- user:
- user:
- user:

This policy will allow a user with an email address at who is also user. It will deny user2 or user3, regardless of their domain and group membership.


A PPL document is either an object or an array of objects. The object represents a rule where the action is the key and the value is an object containing the logical operators.


Only two actions are supported: allow and deny. deny takes precedence over allow. More precisely: a user will have access to a route if at least one allow rule matches and no deny rules match.

Logical Operators

A logical operator combines multiple criteria together for the evaluation of a rule. There are 4 logical operators: and, or, not and nor.

More on Logical Operators

Given the following example with OPERATOR replaced:

- domain:
- claim/groups: admin

If and is used, the user will have access if their email address ends in and they are a member of the admin group. (A ∧ B)

If or is used, the user will have access if their email address ends in or they are a member of the admin group. (A ∨ B)

If not is used, the user will have access if their email address does not end in and they are not a member of the admin group. (¬A ∧ ¬B)

If nor is used, the user will have access if their email address does not end in or they are not a member of the admin group. (¬A ∨ ¬B)


Criteria in PPL are represented as an object where the key is the name and optional sub-path of the criterion, and the value changes depending on which criterion is used. A sub-path is indicated with a / in the name:

- claim/family_name: Smith
- http_method:
is: GET

Supported PPL Criteria

Below is an exhaustive list of PPL criteria.

Entries marked with * denote criteria that are only available in the Enterprise Console PPL builder. All other entries are available in both Pomerium Core and Pomerium Enterprise.

Criterion NameData FormatDescription
acceptAnything. Typically true.Always returns true, thus always allowing access. Equivalent to the allow_public_unauthenticated_access option.
authenticated_userAnything. Typically true.Always returns true for logged-in users. Equivalent to the allow_any_authenticated_user option.
claimAnything. Typically a string.Returns true if a token claim matches the supplied value exactly. The claim to check is determined via the sub-path.
For example, claim/family_name: Smith matches if the user's family_name claim is Smith.
cors_preflightAnything. Typically true.Returns true if the incoming request uses the OPTIONS method and has both the Access-Control-Request-Method and Origin headers. Used to allow CORS pre-flight requests.
* dateDate MatcherReturns true if the time of the request matches the constraints.
* day_of_weekDay of Week MatcherReturns true if the day of the request matches the constraints.
deviceDevice matcherReturns true if the incoming request includes a valid device ID or type.
domainString MatcherReturns true if the logged-in user's email address domain (the part after @) matches the given value.
emailString MatcherReturns true if the logged-in user's email address matches the given value.
* groupsString List MatcherReturns true if a user's group ID matches the supplied value exactly. groups data is only available after a successful directory sync. See Identity Providers for vendor-specific directory sync steps.
http_methodString MatcherReturns true if the HTTP method matches the given value.
http_pathString MatcherReturns true if the HTTP path matches the given value.
invalid_client_certificateAnything. Typically true.Returns true if the incoming request has an invalid client certificate. A default deny rule using this criterion is added to all Pomerium policies when an mTLS client certificate authority is set.
pomerium_routesAnything. Typically true.Returns true if the incoming request is for the special .pomerium routes. A default allow rule using this criterion is added to all Pomerium policies.
* recordvariableAllows policies to be extended using data from external data sources
rejectAnything. Typically true.Always returns false. The opposite of accept.
* time_of_dayTime of Day MatcherReturns true if the time of the request (for the current day) matches the constraints.
userString MatcherReturns true if the logged-in user's id matches the given value.

Entries marked with * denote criteria that are only available in the Enterprise Console PPL builder. All other entries are available in both Pomerium Core and Pomerium Enterprise.


Day of Week Matcher

The day of week matcher is a string. The string can either be *, a comma-separated list of days, or a dash-separated list of days.

  • * matches all days.

  • , matches either day (e.g. mon,wed,fri).

  • - matches a range of days. (e.g. mon-fri). Days can be specified as English full day names, or as 3 character abbreviations. For example:

    - day_of_week: tue-fri

Date Matcher

The date matcher is an object with operators as keys. It supports the following operators: after and before. The values are ISO-8601 date strings. after means that the time of the request must be after the supplied date and before means that the time of the request must be before the supplied date. For example:

- date:
after: 2020-01-02T16:20:00
before: 2150-01-02T16:20:00

Device Matcher

A device matcher is an object with operators as keys. It supports the following operators:

  • is - an exact match of the device ID.
  • approved - true if the device has been approved. This is an enterprise-only feature.
  • type - Specifies the type of device to match on. The available types are enclave_only and any.

For example, a policy to allow any user with a registered device:

- allow:
- device:
type: any

Compare to a policy that only allows a set of specific devices:

- allow:
- device:
is: "5Vn3...C1RS"
- device:
is: "GAtL...doqu"

Users can find their device IDs at the /.pomerium endpoint from any route.

String Matcher

A string matcher is an object with operators as keys. It supports the following operators: contains, ends_with, is and starts_with.

For example:

- email:
starts_with: 'admin@'


- record:
field: country
is: 'US'

String List Matcher

A string list matcher is an object that supports a single has operator as a key. The has operator checks that a given string is present in a list of strings.

The groups and record criteria both support the has operator.

For example, using the groups criterion:

- groups:
has: '00gv40ki4gmtCyl5d4x6'

Using the record criterion:

- record:
field: departments
has: 'engineering'

Time of Day Matcher

The time of day matcher is an object with operators as keys. It supports the following operators: timezone, after, and before.

timezone is required and specifies the timezone to use when interpreting the supplied times. It is recommended to use city names (like America/Phoenix) instead of standard timezone abbreviations because standard timezones change throughout the year (i.e. EST becomes EDT and back again).

after means the time of the request must be after the supplied time and before means that the time of the request must be before the supplied time. For example:

- time_of_day:
timezone: UTC
after: 2:20:00
before: 4:30PM